1998, Cubadak Island, West Sumatra.
It all started here.
I met an Italian who, a few years earlier, had decided to build a resort with about ten cottages. Over time, the resort expanded to include 13 cottages, including a stunning overwater bungalow. I visited him with a group of friends and noticed that the resort lacked a Dive Center. I decided to propose organizing and managing one independently. The proposal was accepted immediately, and from that moment, I could already envision myself accompanying divers to explore the untouched islands of West Sumatra.
On January 15, 1998, my adventure in Indonesia officially began. Within just a few months, I started considering building a boat for diving and offering mini cruises of two to three days. Everything changed when I met Rick Cameron. Before we even completed the work on Naga Laut, Rick proposed that I join their fleet and work exclusively in the world of surfing.
It was a revelation for us. We knew nothing about surfing, nor about the Mentawai Islands, which turned out to be a mecca for surfers from all over the world. Rick didn’t need much convincing. His vision inspired us to channel our energy and remaining funds into adapting Naga Laut for this exciting new market.
In 1999, there were only a handful of boats available and an overwhelming demand. That year, we completed our first cruise with 11 Japanese divers. By 2000, we had transitioned to running 10 exclusive trips through Rick’s agency. The season was a success—so much so that we were able to repay some debts and set aside a small fund to make improvements to Naga Laut, ensuring we were ready for the following season.
We continued these seasons for 13 incredible years before eventually deciding to sell Naga Laut. But that’s another story…